Bitwise Terminal


Bitwise Terminal is a web-based crypto derivatives trading platform that executes trades efficiently and privately. It currently supports BitMEX and BitMEX testnet. Bitwise Terminal also helps traders easily track PNL and wallet balance of multiple accounts.

Key benefits

  1. High efficiency
  1. Strong privacy


Bitwise Terminal trading interface

Bitwise Terminal trading interface

Bitwise Terminal PNL tracking interface

Bitwise Terminal PNL tracking interface

Getting started

No sign-up or payment is required to start using Bitwise Terminal. All you need to prepare is an API key created on BitMEX or BitMEX testnet.

  1. Create API keys
  1. Manage API keys
  1. Start Bitwise Terminal


Bitwise Terminal’s unique command line interface empowers you to complete tasks much faster than you could on BitMEX. As a complement to the CLI, a form-based GUI is also provided to help construct complex commands.

When the cursor is inside the command line input, you may press UP or DOWN to cycle through the command history.

Command summary

Category Command Summary
Contract cselect contract
lvset leverage
rlset risk limit
Shortcuts ethselect ETHUSD
xbtselect XBTUSD
xrpselect XRPUSD
Order creation locreate limit order
mocreate market order
smocreate stop market order
socreate scaled orders
Order cancellation cacancel all orders
cbcancel all buy orders
cocancel specific orders
cscancel all sell orders
Order amendment apamend price
aspamend stop price
aqamend quantity
Position closing lclimit close
mcmarket close
Meta /cclear logs
/hdisplay help message

Command details

Arguments in angle brackets are <required>, and those in square brackets are [optional].

c <contract>

Select contract by name (case-insensitive, default: XBTUSD).
lv <leverage>

Set leverage for the current contract.
Pass 0 as leverage to enable cross margin.
rl <limit>

Set risk limit to limit XBT for the current contract.

Select the contract ETHUSD (shorthand for "c ethusd").

Select the contract XBTUSD (shorthand for "c xbtusd").

Select the contract XRPUSD (shorthand for "c xrpusd").
Order creation
lo <quantity> <price> [instructions]

Create a limit order at price.
Pass a positive quantity for longs, or a negative one for shorts.
instructions can be empty (default), p (post-only), h (hidden), r (reduce-only), or a combination of the options (e.g. pr, hr).
mo <quantity>

Create a market order.
Pass a positive quantity for longs, or a negative one for shorts.
smo <quantity> <stop-price> [instructions]

Create a stop market order at stop-price.
Pass a positive quantity for longs, or a negative one for shorts.
instructions can be empty (default, triggered on mark price), l (triggered on last price), i (triggered on index price), c (close on trigger), or a combination of the options (e.g. lc, ic).
so <quantity> <max-order-count> <lower-price> <upper-price> [instructions] [distribution]

Create scaled orders with at most max-order-count limit orders from lower-price to upper-price.
Pass a positive quantity for longs, or a negative one for shorts.
instructions can be empty (default), p (post-only), h (hidden), r (reduce-only), or a combination of the options (e.g. pr, hr).
distribution is either empty (default: 1) or a number between 0.1 and 10, which specifies the ratio of the order size at upper-price to the size at lower-price. Leave it empty or pass 1 to create a flat distribution with identical order sizes; pass a number between 0.1 and 1 to create a pyramid-shaped distribution; or pass a number between 1 and 10 to create an inverse-pyramid-shaped distribution.
Order cancellation

Cancel all orders of the current contract.

Cancel all buy orders of the current contract.
co <order-id ...>

Cancel open orders of the current contract with matching IDs or ID prefixes.
An ID prefix must be at least two characters long.

Cancel all sell orders of the current contract.
Order amendment
ap <amended-price> <order-filters>

Amend price of matching orders of the current contract.
amended-price is either an absolute price or a relative price change which starts with + or -. amended-price can also be a percentage change if it ends with %.
order-filters is a space-delimited list of order IDs, ID prefixes, b (buy orders), s (sell orders), or a (all orders).
asp <amended-stop-price> <order-filters>

Amend stop price of matching orders of the current contract.
amended-stop-price is either an absolute price or a relative price change which starts with + or -. amended-stop-price can also be a percentage change if it ends with %.
order-filters is a space-delimited list of order IDs, ID prefixes, b (buy orders), s (sell orders), or a (all orders).
aq <amended-quantity> <order-filters>

Amend quantity of matching orders of the current contract.
amended-quantity is either an absolute order size or a relative quantity change which starts with + or -. amended-quantity can also be a percentage change if it ends with %.
order-filters is a space-delimited list of order IDs, ID prefixes, b (buy orders), s (sell orders), or a (all orders).
Position closing
lc <price>

Close the current position with a limit order at price.

Close the current position with a market order.

Clear logs.

Display help message.

Common arguments

The quantity argument supports k as an abbreviation for thousands and m for millions.

For example:
25000 = 25k
-1000 = -1k = -k
-2500000 = -2500k = -2.5m
1000000 = 1m = m
-100000 = -0.1m = -.1m

The price argument supports relative price notation.

For example:
a = the lowest ask price
b = the highest bid price
a+0.5 = the lowest ask price plus 0.5
b-3% = the highest bid price minus 3%, rounded to the nearest tick size

Release notes







